Ahead of the 2024 Elections, the BJP-RSS Is Setting the Ideological Stage

Anand K. Sahay

To understand the direction in which the country is being propelled by the powers that be, we should consider the recent no-confidence motion debate in the Lok Sabha (August 8-10, 2023) not in isolation, but in the context of the happenings of the past fortnight or so, and a likely scenario for the foreseeable future. A darkening picture emerges.

A pandemic, a natural calamity or war leaves behind death and destruction. A policy disaster such as India’s demonetisation – which struck before the pandemic – had led to mass layoffs and financial dislocation, the brunt of which is still being felt by the country, especially its poor.

But the recent events we have witnessed in the country, and the more such that we may in the near future, are of an altogether different character, and indeed of a different order of things. The strategic aim of their proponents is to overturn the constitutional state in India that took its rise in the democratic and non-violent movement helmed by Mahatma Gandhi and the democratic polity it engendered.

Steeped in it, and in part shaping it through his actions and writings, was Jawaharlal Nehru, whose devotion to a liberal order of parliamentary democracy, and whose commitment to a free India for all Indians in a world freed of shackles, nurtured the Indian state upon independence….


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