Documentary Details How Netanyahu Funded and Boosted Hamas

By Four Corners / ABC News (Larry’s List)

Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to destroy Hamas – but he enabled its development.

Four Corners asked Israeli insiders how this happened in the new documentary, The Forever War


The Gaza genocide as explicit policy: Michael Hudson names all names

The End of Innocence

The Palestine Exception to Academic Freedom Must Go

Patrick Lawrence: Authorized Atrocities / Late-Imperial Duplicities

Seth Anziska on Dominant Orthodoxies

Israel’s Murderbot is Programmed to Kill up to a Third of all Palestinian Civilians in Gaza / US Congressman calls for Gaza genocide: ‘like Nagasaki and Hiroshima: Get it over Quick’

Ralph Nader: The Mutually Reinforcing US and Israeli Empires

Automated Murder – Israel’s ‘AI’ in Gaza

Israel wants to slay the monster next door, but with this lethal bombardment, it is feeding it

Gaza and genocide

The west’s complete contempt for the lives of Palestinians will not be forgotten

Patrick Lawrence: Deeper Into Depravity

Gaza and the End of Western Fantasy

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Patrick Lawrence: The End of Global Leadership