Will The Real Prashant Kishor Please Stand Up?

Suranya Aiyar

If Prashant Kishor is an agent of the Modi Regime, then we are looking at something akin to a medieval court drama of intrigue, back-stabbing and betrayal of sub-continental proportions. The question is not Prashant Kishor’s political beliefs, to which he is entitled, but of pretenses in presenting himself as an independent professional with no connection with the Modi enterprise for India.

What first raised doubts about him was not his recent public statements and interviews but his claims a few months ago that he had become a Gandhian and had been walking through villages in Bihar in a Gandhian attempt to build some form of movement or organisation there.

It took a lot of work to identify something Gandhian in what Prashant Kishor said. He did not appear to have any deep knowledge of Gandhi’s writings or Gandhian thought. It was puzzling that he should appeal to the Mahatma so apparently gratuitously because it is certainly not the case in India that an aspiring politician or social activist needs to invoke Gandhi to establish himself.

Going by his rather un-Gandhian demeanour and attitudes, it seemed that perhaps the appeal to Gandhi was merely the branding hack in Prashant Kishor that was impressed by the widespread “name recognition” of Mahatma Gandhi among the common people of Bihar, and perhaps elsewhere in India….



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Stand Up, Say No

The Lady Vanishes

खुदा हाफ़िज़

The Crisis of Ideology

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An Open Letter to the world on the Bangladesh crisis of 1971

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Remembering Rabindra

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Yesterday once more – 50 years after Naxalbari

Naxalites should lay down their arms and challenge the ruling class to abide by the Constitution

In Naxalbari, forty-eight years later

The decline of idealism

Closing the Circle (Frontier, August 2012)

A Brief History of the Sampradayikta Virodhi Andolan; Movement Against Communalism (1984-1993)

The Broken Middle

मध्यमार्ग का अवसान: दिलीप सिमियन (EPW, November 2014)