Gruesome hypocrisy of US foreign policy being exposed in Gaza, Ukraine


When someone shows you who they are,” Maya Angelou said, “believe them the first time.”

That should apply to foreign-policy elites who show you who they are, time after time.

Officials running the Pentagon and State Department have been in overdrive for more than 250 days in support of Israel’s ongoing slaughter of Palestinian civilians in Gaza. Supposedly dedicated to defense and diplomacy, those officials have worked to implement and disguise Washington’s war policies, which have taken more lives than any other government in this century.

Among the weapons of war, cluster munitions are especially horrific. That’s why 67 Democrats and an equal number of Republicans in the House of Representatives voted last week to prevent the U.S. government from continuing to send those weapons to armies overseas.

But more than twice as many House members voted the other way. They defeated a Pentagon funding amendment that would have prohibited the transfer of cluster munitions to other countries. The lawmakers ensured that the U.S. can keep supplying those weapons to the military forces of Ukraine and Israel…..


Serial Criminals Rule Israel. That’s Where the Collapse Begins

The Brutalization of Israel Is Well Underway. If we do not act, collapse is only a matter of time

Seth Anziska on Dominant Orthodoxies

Israel’s Murderbot is Programmed to Kill up to a Third of all Palestinian Civilians in Gaza / US Congressman calls for Gaza genocide: ‘like Nagasaki and Hiroshima: Get it over Quick’

Ralph Nader: The Mutually Reinforcing US and Israeli Empires

Automated Murder – Israel’s ‘AI’ in Gaza

Israel wants to slay the monster next door, but with this lethal bombardment, it is feeding it

Gaza and genocide

The west’s complete contempt for the lives of Palestinians will not be forgotten