Ten Holocaust Survivors Condemn Israel’s Gaza Genocide / Gaza’s Hospitals Are Empty, and Patients Die in Silence

GAZA casualties, live statistics

Holocaust survivors say using the Holocaust to justify genocide in Gaza and repress student protest on college campuses is a complete insult to the Holocaust’s memory.

Ten Holocaust Survivors Condemn Israel’s Gaza Genocide

The dehumanization of Palestinians, describing them as “human animals,” the killing of tens of thousands of civilians, indiscriminate bombing, the destruction of universities and hospitals, and the use of mass starvation — these are clearly stages of ethnic cleansing and genocide. They cannot be defended any more than sending weapons to commit this genocide or refusing funding to UNRWA. With no better arguments, our politicians have resorted to misusing the memory of the Holocaust while claiming that protesting against Israeli genocide is somehow antisemitic.

As Holocaust survivors, we have no special authority on the Middle East but we do know about antisemitism. It’s simply wrong to claim that it’s antisemitic to oppose Israeli genocide. It’s also wrong to claim that calling for equal rights for Jews and Arabs “from the river to the sea” is antisemitic…

‘They’ve Done It Again’: Israeli Strikes Kill Dozens in Tents Near Rafah

The Israel Defense Forces on Friday yet again shelled tents of displaced Palestinians near the city of Rafah in the Gaza Strip, killing at least 25 and wounding another 50, local health and emergency officials said. “According to Ahmed Radwan, a spokesperson for Civil Defense first responders in Rafah, witnesses told rescue workers about the shelling at two locations in a coastal area that has become filled with tents,” The Associated Press reported…..

Gaza’s Hospitals Are Empty, and Patients Die in Silence

This genocidal war brings with it the systematic destruction of all of Gaza’s health system. This has created a new category of people who die from preventable illnesses due to a systematic lack of access to medical care….

Top US Law Schools Present Undeniable Evidence of Israel’s Gaza Genocide


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Gaza and genocide

The Intellectual We Deserve (2018)

The west’s complete contempt for the lives of Palestinians will not be forgotten