Is the AAP imploding? Swati Maliwal episode points to the fractures within

The Aam Adami Party (AAP) seems to be on the verge of an implosion. The maverick behaviour of several of its leaders points to widening fault lines within the party. Bharat Bhushan The arrest of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal‘s close aide, Bibhav Kumar, has brought the party crisis to his doorstep. The Swati Maliwal episode is… Read More Is the AAP imploding? Swati Maliwal episode points to the fractures within

What is behind Modi’s campaign doublespeak?

Narendra Modi’s communally provocative statements are important in spreading an anti-Muslim animus among the electorate, especially among Dalits whom the BJP fears might vote along with the minorities against the BJP Bharat Bhushan In his Lok Sabha constituency of Varanasi Prime Minister Narendra Modi told a reporter “the day I do Hindu-Muslim, I will be unworthy of… Read More What is behind Modi’s campaign doublespeak?

Straws in the Wind: Kejriwal’s bail and Modi’s meltdown

Will Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s walk out of Tihar Central Jail prove to be as historic as Babu Jagjivan Ram and H N Bahuguna’s walk away from Indira Gandhi’s Congress after she lifted the Emergency and announced elections? That day, February 3, 1977, a strong signal went out that Indira Gandhi could be defeated. Bharat… Read More Straws in the Wind: Kejriwal’s bail and Modi’s meltdown

Hunt for grand victories and impact on democratic culture

Bharat Bhushan The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)‘s preoccupation with grander victories in every election seems to be feeding the worst standards of democratic conduct. Does pressure on Opposition candidates to stand down suggest narcissism, or does it reflect an element of nervousness? Take the Gandhinagar Lok Sabha constituency in Gujarat. It has been a pocket borough… Read More Hunt for grand victories and impact on democratic culture

An election snapshot: No wave, voter apathy and a dead candidate

Bharat Bhushan The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is known for micro-managing elections based on gathering political intelligence right up to the booth level. That is the image. The reality is that its Moradabad Lok Sabha candidate died a day after polling in his constituency. That Kunwar Sarvesh Singh had cancer was an open secret. But he managed… Read More An election snapshot: No wave, voter apathy and a dead candidate

Not China, Nepali Congress forced Prachanda’s hand

Bharat Bhushan There is strong suspicion in Nepal that the revivalist demand for abandoning secularism and restoring Nepal as a Hindu Rashtra is being encouraged by the Hindutva forces in India. Nepal’s politics has once again taken an unexpected turn with Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal, aka Prachanda, breaking his alliance with the Nepali Congress. Prachanda’s Communist… Read More Not China, Nepali Congress forced Prachanda’s hand